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Raptor Mazurka {Found it!}

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  • Raptor Mazurka {Found it!}

    Raptor Mazurka is sold from an NPC in Aht Urgan Whitegate.

    Rare spell, costs 4.4K. The NPC is Khaf Jhifanm, she's at (H-11) INSIDE the South Port of Whitegate (the one that goes to Mhaura)

    Happy Mazurkaing ^^

  • #2
    Re: Raptor Mazurka {Found it!}

    Note: If you have another level 75 job, this CAN be subbed. It appears to offer about as much extra speed as a pair of Strider Boots/Herald's Gaiters/Crimson Leggings when used on a subjob (and of course does stack with the above).

    Also note that Harlequin's Horn does affect this song (as well as Chocobo Mazurka). LS mates who tried it state that the Mazurka boost from the horn is substantial, making Chocobo Mazurka feel a lot like Flee.



    • #3
      Re: Raptor Mazurka {Found it!}

      Originally posted by Icemage
      Note: If you have another level 75 job, this CAN be subbed. It appears to offer about as much extra speed as a pair of Strider Boots/Herald's Gaiters/Crimson Leggings when used on a subjob (and of course does stack with the above).

      Also note that Harlequin's Horn does affect this song (as well as Chocobo Mazurka). LS mates who tried it state that the Mazurka boost from the horn is substantial, making Chocobo Mazurka feel a lot like Flee.

      Hasn't it been proven like 200,000 times that the horn only increases the -duration- of the spell, or am I thinking of something else?


      • #4
        Re: Raptor Mazurka {Found it!}

        Right now it appears to also increase the speed. That may or may not be adjusted in the future. Check out the price of the Horn on your server. Ridiculous right now. XD


        • #5
          Re: Raptor Mazurka {Found it!}

          SE just released a note saying that on the 26th they are fixing that glitch ><
          Grandlethal - Midgardsormr
          75BRD, 75THF, Aspiring COR

          Windurst Rank 10
          CoP - Complete
          RotZ - Last battle needed
          ToaU - PFC


          • #6
            Re: Raptor Mazurka {Found it!}

            Yep. Enjoy the effect of the Harlequin Horn for the next day while it's still "bugged".

            Or better yet, pawn it off on the next person who hasn't read the patch notes yet.


